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Presbyterian Answers

Presbyterian Theology

Presbyterians are famous for our focus on theology. This page gives a brief summary of all Presbyterian theological topics

Presbyterian History

Presbyterians have a rich history going back to 1500s Scotland, going back to the early apostolic church, going back to ancient Israel, and even to the Garden of Eden

Reconquista Answers

As the mission to revive the PCUSA will be a difficult one, there are many questions that must be answered along the way 

Why is Presbyterianism true?

In recent times, Protestantism and Calvinism have been attacked as not being in line with historic Christianity or the Church Fathers. This page answers the most common objections to our Presbyterian Protestant faith

Presbyterian Theologians

There have been countless theologians who have shaped the Presbyterian tradition. This page gives a brief summary of all the notable ones, what they contributed, and some quotes from them

Bible interpretation

Presbyterian theology is firmly rooted in Scripture. This page shows how to properly interpret Biblical texts

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