Learn Reformed Theology
In order to restore sound and Biblical doctrine to our churches, it is crucial to provide theological education that is rich and detailed, but also easily accessible and comprehensible. We are partnered with Theology Matters, an organization of ministers and seminary professors in the PCUSA dedicated to providing rich theological education in the Reformed tradition. We are also partnered with the online influencer Richard Ackerman (aka "Redeemed Zoomer") who is tasked with distilling seminary-level educational material into short YouTube videos which are available for free to the public.
Mastering Reformed Theology
The following online course in Reformed theology is a series of 10 short videos which gives the Reformed perspective on all major theological issues throughout church history. The intent is that after watching and understanding these 10 videos, you will be equipped to reform your local PCUSA church to adhere to sound Reformed Biblical doctrine.
Chapter 11:
Reformed Scholasticism
Recommended reading:
Francis Turretin's institutues
Petrus Van Mastricht Theoretical-Practical theology
Wollebius's Compendium

Chapter 12:
Recommended reading:
Robert Baillie's Scotch Antidote
Rutherford's examination of Arminianism
Therapeutica Sacra by David Dickson

Chapter 13:
Marrow Controversy
Recommended reading:
The Marrow of Modern Divinity by Edward Fisher
The Antinomianism of the Marrow of Modern Divinity by James Hadow
The Covenant of Works by Thomas Boston

Chapter 15:
Commonsense Realism
Recommended reading:
John Witherspoon

Chapter 16:
Old School / New School
Recommended reading:
Charles Hodge's systematic theology
William G.T. Shedd's systematic theology

Chapter 17:
Mercersburg Theology
Recommended reading:
Catholicism by John Williamson Nevin
The Spirit of Sect and Schism by John Williamson Nevin
The Principle of Protestantism by Phillip Schaff

Chapter 18:
Neo - Calvinism

Chapter 19:
Global Presbyterianism