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About Presbyterians for the Kingdom

Presbyterians for the Kingdom is a nonprofit with a Biblical mission - to restore faithfulness to Christ in our Church - the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. We form alliances of Biblically faithful pastors, elders, and laymen in the denomination with the goal of pushing our churches in a more biblical direction. We are officially partnered with Theology Matters, an organization of Bible-believing pastors and seminary professors in the PCUSA, and we help provide content that is theologically rich but also easy to understand on a popular level.


Our positions within the denomination are:

  • We believe the Bible is the infallible Word of God

  • We hold to the Biblical definition of marriage as between one man and one woman

  • We affirm the validity of women's ordination 

  • We believe God created all people male and female, with no exceptions

  • We are against abortion since it is a violation of the 6th commandment

  • We believe all pastors/elders in the denomination must hold to our Confessions of Faith

  • We believe all pastors must be faithful in (monogamous) marriage or chaste in singleness

  • We oppose the Olympia overture which may be used to force ministers to affirm sin​


Our Team
David Yancey


Richard Ackerman

Vice President

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